We're all sick

Today I put my arctic fox in my webkinz game. It was so much fun, but all the other webkinz were sick. I took one of them (one of my puppy webkinz) to the doctor and got some medicine for her. She felt a little bit better, now she is in bed. My hippo webkinz is still sick and she's still in bed. So is my other puppy dog webkinz. Also, I am sick like the three of my other webkinz.

My acorns haven't grown yet. I hope they grow soon. I'm still watching them. I want them to grow so bad.


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The Acorn Experiment

Yesterday we found a lot of acorns. How do acorns grow? Do they need their tops or not?

To find out we planted both types of acorns, ones with tops and ones with no tops, and we hope one of them grow.

We planted and watered them this morning. We put them on top of the sink because we have a counter there.

A special thing about that counter is it is next to the window. The window is good because it helps the plants grow by the sun. I hope you guys do an experiment with acorns too.


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Decorating a Book

I decorated a journal for school. It was fun. We used stickers and we cut pictures out of the magazines that I liked. We used a lot of stuff, like a rainbow, a hula girl, some chocolate chip cookies, a few unicorns, hearts, a dolphin, corals, a turtle and frog, a picture of a flower, a few polar bears, a black cat and a bat, trick-or-treat and happy halloween (for my birthday), snowflakes, pumpkins, music notes, stars, butterflies, a rabbit, a few flowers, a ghost, some candies and ice cream, balloons, and that's it.

Too bad you can't see it, because it's really cool.


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The First Day of Kindergarten (T~P)

Hi everybody! Today I just finished the second day of Kindergarten and I wanted to tell you that Mrs. T is very nice. And I wanted to tell you when you are being bad she will send you in time out. And if you do something bad, like hit somebody and don't say you're sorry, then she makes you say you're sorry. She's also very grouchy when you are being bad. But I'm not being bad today, just a little bad, but I was still on green today. This is a good part: that most of the time I'm very good and most of my friends are good. I play a lot and sometimes I don't get what I want to get. The lunch food is really yummy. I love Kindergarten.

I made up a new song for ~M~. It's called Boogers dropping down from your nose. Here it goes:
5 little boogers hanging down from your nose. down from your nose, down from your nose.
5 little booger hanging down from your nose.
1 dropped down to the floor and someone came along and stepped on it.
4 little boogers hanging down from your nose, down from your nose, down from your nose
4 little boogers hanging down from your nose.
1 dropped down to the floor and someone came along and stepped on it.
3 little boogers hanging down from your nose, down from your nose, down from your nose
3 little boogers hanging down from your nose.
1 dropped down to the floor and someone came along and stepped on it.
2 little boogers hanging down from your nose, down from your nose, down from your nose
2 little boogers hanging down from your nose.
1 dropped down to the floor and someone came along and stepped on it.
1 little booger hanging down from your nose, down from your nose, down from your nose
1 little booger hanging down from your nose.
1 dropped down to the floor and someone came along and stepped on it.
0 little boogers hanging down from your nose, down from your nose, down from your nose
0 little boogers hanging down from your nose.
Now your nose is all clean!


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T~P: The 2nd Tooth

Today I lost my second tooth! Hooray! Hooray! And I have two loose ones next to it. What do you think of that? Check on the website and look at the picture. Thank you for visiting T~P!

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New Jokes

Why did the duck cross the road?

. . .
why did the duck cross the road?
. . .
why did the goose cross the road?
. . .
. . .
To play duck, duck, goose!

Get it?

Make up your own joke! It is cool!


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My New Webkinz

I went to the mall and bought a webkinz I've never seen before! It's a boy fox! He looks like a winter fox because he is white. He has black eyes & a black nose. I like him because he is soft. His name is Marshmallow. Do you have any webkinz?


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Happy ~M~

~M~ is my baby sister. She is happy this morning. Isn't that awesome! She is crawling all over and she stood up and took a step. She also says "uh-oh" and is laughing a lot. I love my baby sister.

I'm happy too because I lost a tooth last night and the tooth fairy gave me one dollar.


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~TP~ First Tooth Lost

Hello! Guess what?! Today I lost my first tooth! What do you think of that? So I want you to try to pull out your tooth the way I did. And that was to put a string around it and pull it out. Goodbye!


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The Trip to Hawai'i & Movie Review

We went to hawai'i! We went to the green sand beach & waikiki beach. It was really really fun. We learned to hula dance. We had fun in the swimming pool at the hotel. I WANT TO GO AGAIN!


We watched Benjamin Button. Well, the movie was pretty good so I want you to watch it. My favorite part was where Benjamin Button turned into a little kid. Yeah, I think the movie was pretty sad on some parts. When Benjamin was in the war it was kind of scary. I give it 5 stars.


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