School Is Almost Out

Today is May 29th and we are on a three day weekend from school, but guess what, school is almost out! We only have two and a half more days of school, TWO AND A HALF MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL! I'm so glad the year is over! Are you? It's been a long year. What are you going to do this summer? My family is planning a road trip to Zion National Park, with lots of stops along the way.

National parks remind me of a joke that ~T~ once told me. It goes like this:
Q: What's the best vacation spot for noisy kids?
A: Yell-owstone Park.
Get it? Ha ha ha!

I hope you all can go on a trip, because trips are awesome in the Summer. You can go swimming, hiking, sightseeing, and a whole bunch of other stuff. And road trips remind me of another joke that ~T~ told me.
Q: What's the hardest part of a trip?
A: Hitting the road!
Get it? Ha ha ha!

Enjoy your last week of school and Summer vacation!



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